VENOM TOXICITY - the bite of the Black House Spider is poisonous but not lethal. Some people bitten experience severe pain around the bite site, heavy sweating, muscular pains, vomiting, headaches and giddiness. If serious symptoms appear - first aid and medical attention (ambulance) should be sought as soon as possible.
Area of distribution - Australia-wide.
Spider Identification - adults are about 15 mm in body length and of a dark brown to black velvet textured appearance.
Habitat - this spider spins a lacy, messy web and is prefers dry habitats in secluded locations. It is commonly found in window framing, under eaves, gutters, in brickwork, sheds, toilets and among rocks and bark. Electric lights attract their prey - moths, flies, mosquitoes and other insects.
Do NOT bandage - except for Funnel-web spider bite. The venom of Red-back and some spider bites will move very slowly - any restriction may cause excruciating pain.
Keep the patient calm - don't panic - avoid excitement - avoid undue movement of patient - reassure the patient - any excitment will quicken bloodflow and transportaion of venom through victim's body..
Use an ICE-PACK (wrapped in cloth) on bite site - to help reduce pain and swelling around the bite site.
Medical Attention should be sought immediately. If safe to do so, take the spider to the hospital for identification.
If serious symptoms appear - immediately phone AMBULANCE dial 000. |